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Clover Honey Tpb

Clover Honey Tpb

Regular price $5.00
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Rich Tommaso's Clover Honey plays with the conventions of the comics form and genre fiction: what looks like a trendy, shoot-'em-up mobster story is actually a contemporary reality-based story about growing up weird, paranoid, and fatally Catholic in an Italian-American family. 

Trevor is Abigail's reluctant mentor in the hit-man business. When the mob thinks Trevor absconded with some of their money, Abigail is given the assignment of tracking him down. But, the bitchy, spoiled Abigail dilly-dallies and takes her sweet time to find Trevor (who's cleverly hidden himself in the bowels of a Newark ghetto), discovering along the way that the life of a bounty-huntress and hit-woman isn't quite as glamorous as the media paints it. She finally weasels Trevor's whereabouts out of a third party, but in the end, Catholic guilt and signs of maturity ruin any satisfaction from a job well done.

If Martin Scorsese, Jim Jarmusch, and Quentin Tarantino huddled  for a story conference, they might have come up with I, a sobering tale where casual violence and a trendy contempt for human life finally come home to roost.

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