Who is Man-Thing?

Who is Man-Thing?

Man-Thing #1 Marvel Comics

Who is Man-Thing?

Picture this: a creature lurking in the swamps, with a body made of muck and vegetation. Is it a superhero or a monster? Well, it's both! Man-Thing, created by writer Roy Thomas, and artist Val Mayerik, made his first appearance in 1971 in the pages of Savage Tales #1. But what's the story behind this peculiar character?

Before he became Man-Thing, our green friend was Dr. Theodore Sallis, a brilliant biochemist working on a top-secret project called the Super-Soldier Serum (does that ring any bells?). But, as luck would have it, things took a turn for the worse. Betrayed by his own wife and pursued by sinister forces, Dr. Sallis found himself injected with his own experimental serum and crashed his car into the Florida Everglades.

The Origin of Man-Thing

Now transformed into Man-Thing, our hero gained incredibly weird powers. He became virtually indestructible, with his body composed of a unique form of swamp matter. But here's the catch: Man-Thing doesn't speak or think like a human anymore. Instead, he senses and reacts to emotions, burning those who feel fear. So, if you're planning a visit to the Everglades, make sure to leave your fears at home.

If you know fear you will burn at Man-Things Touch!

Man-Thing's adventures take him far beyond the swamps of Florida. He has crossed paths with iconic Marvel characters like Spider-Man, the Avengers, and even Howard the Duck. 

Man-Thing's popularity grew over the years, and he became a beloved character among comic book fans. He has appeared in various comic book series, team-ups, and even had his own solo titles. Man-Thing's unique abilities and thought-provoking stories have left a lasting impact on the Marvel Universe.

But the history of Man-Thing is a testament to the creativity and imagination of Steve Gerber. Through his creation, Gerber explored deeper themes and pushed the boundaries of what a superhero story could be. Man-Thing's tragic origin, mystical powers, and thought-provoking stories have made him a memorable character in the Marvel Universe.

Steve Gerber's Influence

Steve Gerber was a renowned comic book writer known for his unique storytelling and creative genius. Born on September 20, 1947, in St. Louis (BAM! Local Connection). Gerber made a significant impact on the comic book industry during his career. He is best known for his work on Marvel Comics' "Howard the Duck" and his contributions to the creation of characters like Man-Thing and Omega the Unknown.

Steve Gerber Acting All Crazy

Throughout his career, Gerber worked on various comic book titles, leaving an indelible mark on each one. Some of his notable works include "The Defenders," "Man-Thing," "Omega the Unknown," and "Howard the Duck." Gerber's writing style was distinct and often challenged the conventions of traditional superhero stories, making his work stand out among his peers.

Gerber's creativity knew no bounds, and he introduced several memorable characters to the comic book world. One of his most significant creations was Howard the Duck, a sarcastic and satirical character who became a cult favorite, and Omega the Unknown, a mysterious superhero with a complex narrative.

Steve Gerber's contributions to the comic book industry continue to inspire writers and readers alike. His unique storytelling, unconventional characters, and thought-provoking narratives have left an enduring legacy in the world of comics. Gerber's work serves as a testament to the power of imagination and the limitless possibilities of the comic book medium.

Guardian of the Nexus of All Realities

Man-Thing's transformation granted him incredible powers. He became the guardian of the Nexus of All Realities, a mystical portal that connects different dimensions. This could (and most likely will) lead to a significant role in the new Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 5 where our heroes will be facing off against a mulitversal threat in Kang The Conqueror. This brings us to...

Man-Thing In the Movies

In 2005, Man-Thing made his big-screen debut in a movie that shall forever remain nameless. Seriously, it's so forgettable that even Man-Thing himself would struggle to remember it. This low-budget horror flick took some liberties with the source material, but hey, at least they tried, right?

Believe it or not, Man-Thing also made an unofficial appearance in another Marvel movie. In 2013's "Iron Man 3," one of the main villiains - Ellen Brandt - received her face injury, that causes her to seek out the Extremis Project from the same experiment that turned Ted Sallis into the Man-Thing. 

Man-Thing finally made his proper appearance in 2022's Disney+ Special Presentation "Werewolf by Night". A black and white send up to classic horror films, Man-Thing takes center stage as Jack Russell (the aforementioned Werewolf by Night) must save his friend from a variety of monster hunters. 

What's Next For Man-Thing?

Bringing us up to present day Marvel Comics is getting Man-Thing ready for his big screen close up with several appearances including his own mini-series by Steve Orlando - CURSE OF THE MAN-THING - and a guest appearance facing off against the Avengers. Steve will be joining us over Zoom to talk about this work at the Comic Book Book Club on October 19th. Copies are available at the shop for you to pick up. 

 Curse of the Man-Thing

Man-Thing remains one of those quirky comic book characters that remind us of a more fun time in comics, where things like him could exist with no intense thought of how he could exist. Steve Gerber and following writers told stories about the human condition and used him as a way to explore philosophical aspects of super-heroism. When you left the book you first thought - "What the hell did I just read?" then you realized it left you with more questions about the universe than you did before. 

A rare feat for comics at the time, but one of the reasons comics from this era stand out. 


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