Not all heroes wear capes, but all beers have labels — and 4 Hands Brewing Company (1220 S 8th Street, 314-436-1559) just gave their State Wide hazy pale ale a makeover in celebration of Free Comic Book Day.
The label plays on the theme of comic books and superheroes. Free Comic Book Day, which happens May 7, offers up — you guessed it — free comics in order to bring in new customers to stores and raise money for St. Louis Public Libraries. 4 Hands Brewing is getting in on the unofficial holiday by offering up their ale in partnership with Apotheosis Comics and Lounge and donating a percentage of sales to the libraries, as well.
"We're so excited to partner with 4 Hands on this year’s State Wide fundraising effort," Martin Casas, owner of Apotheosis Comics & Lounge says in a statement. "Raising money for library systems in the state helps true heroes in our community - librarians who provide a vital role of giving families access to education and a world beyond their imagination. As comic book shops, we're in the same business."
Casas further explains that it’s fitting to raise money for libraries because that’s often where readers discover comic books. This is also the first year they’ve been able to hold a “proper” Free Comic Book Day since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, so the partnership is a great way to bring in new customers and introduce a new element to the event, Casas explains.
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Courtesy 4 Hands Brewing Company
The new label appears on the State Wide hazy pale ale.
Kevin Lemp, CEO of 4 Hands Brewing Co., says that Casas approached him with the idea “ to highlight the fun we could have in bringing one of our can's art to life through an inspired label.”
“We reached out to Jason Spencer with Killer Napkins to take our State Wide art label and use his creativity to create a story on our can,” Lemp continues. “We cannot wait to share what he created with the community!”
The label will be available on May 7 at 4 Hands Brewing Co., local retailers and at Apotheosis Comics & Lounge located at 3206 S. Grand Boulevard and 3359 S. Jefferson Avenue.