Just a weekly update


First, it's New Comic Book Day, and we'd love to see you. We really would - it's been quiet as heck at the shop this month. Yea, it's cold and who wants to go out in this weather. But man, it's been boring.

I'm going to try and make these regular so we have a consistent communique going out to you all. Sometimes I rely a little bit too much on Facebook and Instagram to get our messages but I'm reminded how often you read emails because someone will come in and say - "I got your email.".....plus I should practice my writing....like this run on sentence here...yikes...

So what's new anyway? We have some great sales and promotions going on this month.

1) 40% off everything in the store;

2) 25% off Collectible Comics Online

3) All new subscribers get a 40% off gift card to go on a spending spree when they set up their pulls and to start their collections.

We also launched three new subscription based programs to help you get the comics you want every month! First you can get a Mega Box - 10 New Number One Issues each Month, or a Grab Bag Of Doom - Two Graphic Novels each month, or Tiny Titans Clubhouse - One Graphic Novel and Two Comics for young readers!

Lastly, join us for our book club on the 16th for Bingo Love!

See you soon! Seriously, we'd love to see you. Drinks on me.


P.S. We're looking to collab with local St. Louis brands AND host more events at both of our shops. If you're interested in doing something with us - email me directly at martin@apotheosiscomicsstl.com and let's set something up!

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