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Wolverine #50

Wolverine #50

Regular price $13.81
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After learning from Forge that the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier often refuels atop the Citicorp building in Manhattan, Logan decides to pay them a visit. He literally drives his motorcycle into the building and rides the elevator up to the top floor. Knowing that security would figure he would take the freight elevator to the roof, Logan surprises them by lugging his Harley Davidson up the stairs the rest of the way and smashes his way through the main window of the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. Confronting Nick Fury, Logan demands answers about his past and threatens to leak information about his mission in Cuba shortly after the Kennedy assassination if Fury doesn't comply. Fury agrees to help and has a file on Logan pulled from the National Security Agency's database. This not only sets off flags at the Department of Agriculture in Washington D.C., but also at a secret Hydra base that is tapped into the NSA computers. When the information is logged by their computers, one of Hydra's hackers pays a visit to his leader to report the information. This Hydra leader tells them to leave so that they can contemplate this information.



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